
the textbook is a manual not the finished product

I'm currently going through an uncertain change in my perception, mostly linked to my inability to retain information and why. I've always questioned the way the world works and why things happen the way that they do. That's why I pursued academia, specifically biology. And I made it my goal to learn as much as I could about living beings so that I can make sense of the world and add clarity to my perception as well as understand what it is that the world needs more of. However, being in my third year of my Bachelor's now, I began to realize how little information I actually retain and why this happens. I'm able to complete assignments and understand the concepts during the courses, but after a while things just slip away from my memory. One of the courses I took however, didn't teach me about the natural world but more about myself and how we humans rely on movement, on enactivism, to understand the world deeply. This is just recently beginning to change t